Aesthetic Goals Must Align With Good Medicine, Plastic Surgeon Says

Louis C. Cutolo, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S.

Dr. Louis C. Cutolo, a plastic surgery specialist in breast augmentation on Staten Island, discusses the role of an experienced surgeon in helping patients find cosmetic enhancement options that meet their goals but are also safe and healthy.

Staten Island, New York (December 2013) — Responding to recent reports in the media about discrepancies between patient goals and safe cosmetic treatment options, Dr. Louis C. Cutolo (, a plastic surgery specialist on Staten Island, says he believes that surgical ethics are now more important than ever.

Dr. Cutolo is a member of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons®, which both have stringent ethical standards, and he says his role is to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals through safe and healthy routes.

“I see many patients interested in breast augmentation on Staten Island, and I always ask them to explain everything they know about the procedure,” Dr. Cutolo says. “I like to know how much homework they have done before coming to see me, and it also helps me understand how much educating I need to do before we discuss surgical particulars. Sometimes patients are sure they want a certain option, and they don’t realize it’s not a healthy choice.”

Dr. Cutolo cites an example from a recent article in The Telegraph that detailed a patient’s painful experience with overly large breast implants. If the surgeon had provided the patient with more education prior to the procedure, it could have helped her avoid a negative experience, Dr. Cutolo says.

He says he’s seen more patients in recent years who have come into his office feeling sure about what options they wanted, likely due to the rise of online information and the direct marketing of product manufacturers to consumers.

“It’s great for patients to do research before they come in for a consultation,” he says. “But there is no substitute for a medical opinion. When all that research adds up to a patient no longer considering his or her doctor’s medical advice, problems occur.”

The solution is finding a qualified physician who maintains ethical standards, rather than one who simply caters to patient requests, he says. In general, having knowledgeable discussions with a board-certified plastic surgeon beforehand can help prevent unsafe procedures from happening.

Dr. Cutolo says, “I have been a plastic surgeon on Staten Island for many years, and I feel that it is my duty to make sure each of my patients is crystal clear on every part of the process, including the possible risks. Good doctors are sensitive to patients’ goals but also won’t do any unsafe surgeries just to meet those goals. Such surgeons provide the best aesthetic results in a healthy way.”

Take the first step to achieving your cosmetic goals. Request a consultation online, or call us today at (718) 720-9400 to schedule a visit.
