
BodyTite vs. Liposuction:  A Comprehensive Comparison

Woman in grey undergarments using a measuring tape around her waist. (MODEL)

Are you considering a body contouring procedure to achieve your aesthetic goals? Liposuction has long been a popular choice for removing stubborn fat deposits, but technological advancements have introduced procedures such as BodyTite and FaceTite, which offer additional aesthetic benefits. This blog post will compare BodyTite/FaceTite and liposuction to help you make an informed choice. …

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Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, or Both? How to Choose the Right Procedure

A woman takes a break at the gym.

Many men and women struggle with loose skin or excess fat that collects around the midsection. Luckily, there are two trusted ways to sculpt the body: liposuction and tummy tuck surgery. As a plastic surgeon in Staten Island, I’ve helped countless patients tone and contour their midsections through the power of these procedures. Both options …

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Tummy Tuck, BodyTite & CoolSculpting: Your Options for Slimming Down a ‘Dad Bod’

A man tries on a blazer

While some men proudly embrace the “dad bod” trend, others aren’t so thrilled about the way they look as they get older. I frequently meet with men interested in exploring body contouring options, from a tummy tuck to BodyTite. Men from Brooklyn, Staten Island, and surrounding communities have plenty of options for achieving trimmer, healthier-looking …

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