
How To Enhance Your Facelift Results

Woman looking in mirror and smiling while touching face. (MODEL)

Patients today have more choices than ever for nonsurgical facial rejuvenation, thanks to continual advancements in technology. Still, the tried-and-true surgical facelift remains popular for many reasons. Many patients find that combining the benefits of a facelift with nonsurgical options—BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, and laser treatments—offers optimal facial rejuvenation. From traditional surgery to noninvasive procedures, …

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Tummy Tuck, BodyTite & CoolSculpting: Your Options for Slimming Down a ‘Dad Bod’

A man tries on a blazer

While some men proudly embrace the “dad bod” trend, others aren’t so thrilled about the way they look as they get older. I frequently meet with men interested in exploring body contouring options, from a tummy tuck to BodyTite. Men from Brooklyn, Staten Island, and surrounding communities have plenty of options for achieving trimmer, healthier-looking …

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